Our Mission.

“Feel at home with your healthcare & retirement decisions.”

Our goal is to transform the complex processes of of navigating health care & retirement into an experience that feel as natural and reassuring as being in one's own home. Home is where one feels safe and comfortable. It is a place where worries are eased and support is always available. In the complex and often impersonal world of healthcare, insurance, and retirement planning, these are the qualities we strive to bring to our client’s experience. By integrating the essence of 'home' into our services, we reaffirm our commitment to being dependable, trustworthy, and compassionate advisors. This motto guides every interaction, reminding us that our job is to ensure the wellbeing and peace of mind of those we serve.

Our Story.

Too often, we witness older individuals being taken advantage of in the complex maze of Medicare and Social Security. They are bombarded with an overwhelming amount of information, making it difficult to determine the best choices for their health and financial well-being. This issue hit close to home when a family member, in search of Medicare guidance, turned to the simplest solution—Google. They clicked on the first link that appeared, trusting it to lead them to a reliable agent. Unfortunately, the decision to call a 1-800 number did not guarantee they received the best plan at the lowest cost, nor did it ensure their needs were fully understood and met. This personal experience revealed the shortfalls in the process of selecting Medicare plans—a lack of genuine, unbiased guidance. It became clear to us that many Medicare beneficiaries, much like our family member, were navigating crucial decisions with minimal support.

The pivotal point in our decision to start Bohuslav Insurance Group, LLC was when we purchased our first house. Over the course of months, we received dozens of solicitation letters from Medicare insurance carriers addressed to the previous homeowners. It was apparent that individuals approaching retirement are over-solicitated by companies that prioritize profits over well-being & education. Therefore, choosing to work independently as a Medicare agent was a intentional decision. This independence means our agency is not devoted to a single insurance carrier which allows us to put the needs of our clients first without any conflict of interest. We are dedicated to thoroughly exploring all options available with our clients and helping them make informed decisions- it's about ensuring that they have the best possible plan for their health needs at the lowest possible cost. By doing so, we aim to protect them from potential pitfalls and provide them with choice and control over their healthcare journey.

Educating the public about Medicare stands as a key priority for us, leading to the initiation of seminars designed to go beyond traditional lectures. We aim to create an engaging, conversational atmosphere where participants feel involved and empowered to learn. Through these seminars, we uncovered challenges attendees faced with Social Security. This insight led us to recognize that seniors represent an underrepresented and often underinformed demographic regarding their options. Motivated by the struggles we observed in our community, as well as own families, we felt compelled to take action. Thus, Bohuslav Insurance, became more than just a policy provider of insurance, we evolved to provide guidance on Social Security matters. Our mission is to serve as a trusted advisor, offering clarity and transparency in navigating the complexities of health insurance and Social Security retirement services.

In this role, we have the privilege of making a difference in people's lives, particularly at a stage where individuals deserve peace of mind and security more than ever. The commitment to our clients goes beyond professional duty; it's a personal responsibility to safeguard their interests because we would want the same for our family. This is why we Bohuslav Insurance Group represents & serves with trust, integrity, and compassion in industries that can often feel overwhelming & impersonal for those it seeks to serve.